Values are real-time data
Stake to protect network security and earn XRD tokens
Staking in the Radix network is essential to protect network security. The Radix network is operated by validator node-runners like StakeSafe who participate in the consensus on transactions and code run on the network.
As an XRD staker you delegate your tokens to validator node-runners and instantly receive rewards for your participation of making the network safe. Its therefore essential to choose your validators wisely since because in case a validator does not perform up to standard, your stake (rewards) might be penalized for incorrect consensus or downtime.
StakeSafe is your trusted, experienced and professional partner for staking. We offer full transparency in our operations and our staking services are completely non-custodial. Start staking with us today!
We have extensive experience in running nodes on other Proof-of-Stake networks and more recently the Radix betanet. To ensure the highest possible uptime and availability we operate multiple servers and have fallback plans in place in case the they are needed.
Staking in the Radix network can be very profitable. The yield of your stake can go up to 40% per year depending on how much XRD tokens are staked on the network relative to your own stake.
Be sure to be ready at the 28th of July as the Radix Olympia Mainnet will be launched. We are convinced that the underlying technology and high pace roadmap will disrupt the current crypto space the coming years and foresee great growth potential for both influence and market value for the Radix Network.
Believe in the Radix network and build in the community. Let's grow together!
You can calculate your emissions as a staker with our calculator
Disclaimer: predictions are calculated to give you an estimate based on the current known variables and your relative staking position compared to the total delegated stake (top 100).
All these variables can change from minute to minute resulting in a higer or lower yield.
StakeSafe is operated by a team of Dutch IT professionals. We have been (and continue to be) involved in the Radix community and beta testing (including Cassandra) in direct collaboration with the RADIX CTO and founder Dan Hughes. We are fully convinced RADIX is the future and therefore decided to support the community with our services.
Our goal is to run the most stable, secure and safe validators to protect and flourish your stake.
Feel free to contact us on Telegram, Twitter or by Mail